Unlock your options,
free from addictions

Our journey of prevention has been going on for 26 years.

The Centre for the Prevention of Addictions and Promotion of Psychosocial Health of Eastern Thessaloniki “ELPIDA” has been operating since October 1998 within the framework of the National Policy for Prevention and is supported financially and scientifically by the Organisation against Narcotics (OCANA).
The main purpose of “ELPIDA” is the prevention of addictions and addictive behaviours (cigarettes, alcohol, hashish, heroin, gambling, internet, food consumption, etc.) – especially among young people – and the promotion of psychosocial health of the residents of the area. It implements prevention programmes for parents, young people, teachers and other social groups.
It participates in networks and uses volunteers to send prevention messages to the local community. It is staffed by qualified social scientists.

The Centre’s areas of action focus on all types of substances individually or in combination, including: illegal use of legal substances, use of illegal substances, taking prescription drugs or taking drugs without a prescription.

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Educational Material

“ELPIDA” seeks innovation and originality through the design and implementation of addiction prevention and psychosocial health promotion programmes, which it publishes in printed or electronic form.


To do our work we meet with people on a weekly basis, implementing groups, seminars, trainings, talks, workshops. Prevention requires from everyone, both us and our beneficiaries, commitment, perseverance and flexibility. But what remains in the end is the benefit of interaction.


An educational videogame
for the prevention of addictions


Evaluation is a mechanism for monitoring the effectiveness of the specific objectives of a programme, showing what was implemented and what was not, what was done right and what was done wrong, with the ultimate aim of strengthening or improving the original programme and shaping interventions that are realistic and socially beneficial.

They said about us