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free from addictions
The Centre for the Prevention of Addictions and Promotion of Psychosocial Health of Eastern Thessaloniki “ELPIDA” has been operating since October 1998 within the framework of the National Policy for Prevention and is supported financially and scientifically by the Organisation against Narcotics (OCANA).
The main purpose of “ELPIDA” is the prevention of addictions and addictive behaviours (cigarettes, alcohol, hashish, heroin, gambling, internet, food consumption, etc.) – especially among young people – and the promotion of psychosocial health of the residents of the area. It implements prevention programmes for parents, young people, teachers and other social groups.
It participates in networks and uses volunteers to send prevention messages to the local community. It is staffed by qualified social scientists.
The Centre’s areas of action focus on all types of substances individually or in combination, including: illegal use of legal substances, use of illegal substances, taking prescription drugs or taking drugs without a prescription.
ELPIDA develops actions in the fields of:
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To do our work we meet with people on a weekly basis, implementing groups, seminars, trainings, talks, workshops. Prevention requires from everyone, both us and our beneficiaries, commitment, perseverance and flexibility. But what remains in the end is the benefit of interaction.
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Evaluation is a mechanism for monitoring the effectiveness of the specific objectives of a programme, showing what was implemented and what was not, what was done right and what was done wrong, with the ultimate aim of strengthening or improving the original programme and shaping interventions that are realistic and socially beneficial.
They said about us
Important for me was the fact that often during the school process, they often referred back to the curriculum and values to manage tensions with each other or with other classmates. Through this type of experiential learning, the children adopted values that lay the foundation for the proper formation and enhancement of their personalities.
This programme, both in the design and in the implementation of the activities of each "value", aimed to activate the emotion of the group so that its members could think, feel and experience the values in an environment of relaxation, acceptance and safety.
It was very pleasant. They were looking forward to it with anticipation and joy. They were curious and asked each time, "What value, madam, are we going to talk about today?"
With a variety of experiential activities we experienced the experience of each value through narratives, discussions, events, songs, games and expressed ourselves creatively through painting, dance, theatre or writing texts, poems and stories.
Structured educational workshops give tools to the teacher to help students acquire knowledge and skills, creating in the classroom a climate of acceptance, equality, democracy, teamwork, equal opportunities. In this environment, no pupil is 'left on the sidelines'.
The benefits are many and significant. Both for me, on a personal level, and for the school, children and teachers. It has been a journey of difficulties, challenges, small and great joys that has finally led to the much desired goal: the creation of a truly safer school.
Children learned to speak up more when something is bothering them, to classmates, teachers, parents. Verbal violence has been greatly reduced, they have learned to look at the person next to them, to cooperate better when asked, to apologize, to admit that they are to blame, to their fair share... I think it was a unique gift to ourselves.
The workshops of the Programme were a pleasant change from the daily routine of the classes. The children looked forward to the next workshop each time. The activities were designed to help each child understand and realize how special both they and the other children in the group are.
My experience at the Elpida Prevention Centre was unique. We worked with many groups and dealt with a variety of areas. One of the memorable moments was the activity with parents and children, where we met and shared our feelings. My cooperation with the staff of the Centre was excellent
Your contribution to the seminar was very important. What you shared was very helpful to the participants and can be applied to everyday teaching.