Evaluation is a mechanism for monitoring the effectiveness of the specific objectives of a programme, showing what was implemented and what was not, what was done correctly and what was done incorrectly, with the ultimate aim of strengthening or improving the original programme and formulating realistic and socially beneficial interventions.
The evaluation seeks to answer :
- what our Centre as a whole and each individual action is trying to do (related to ensuring the appropriateness of the action),
- to what extent it achieves this (related to effectiveness),
- what obstacles limit the success of the intervention (related to the conditions of implementation and the modification of the original plan),
- what experience has been gained from its implementation (related to the use of the findings).
In order to achieve the above, we carry out a systematic data collection on the intervention in terms of its implementation, results and acceptance by the target groups. In particular, we use indicators relating to the accuracy of implementation, consistency with the original plan, the extent to which the timelines are adhered to and whether the intervention is progressing in a correct and smooth manner. At the same time, we are interested in determining whether the intervention achieved the specific objectives pursued and thus appeared useful to the participants.

The evaluation methods used are empirical, quantitative, statistical or qualitative. In particular, the evaluation system we use is usually internal (partial and final) evaluation and at the same time the opinion of the beneficiaries of the actions, and when we periodically request an evaluation from an external evaluator.
At the same time you can fill in a questionnaire on the long-term satisfaction of citizens with the work of ELPIDA. We would like you to give us 5 minutes of your time and help us to become better in terms of the type and quality of our services.