Intervention and awareness-raising of the school community

ELPIDA perceives the school as a living space, with energy, sounds, colours, performances, where the human material of teachers and students is mixed on a daily basis. People can not only learn something new or different but also embody their experience as a cognitive, emotional and physical experience. Thoughts, emotions and bodies grow together, and they do so through an ongoing evolutionary process that produces valuable material.

In its long history, KP ELPIDA supports this very spirit of the school where people learn about themselves, learn about life, together with others. This goal is achieved through the implementation of prevention programmes that enable students and teachers to express their creativity, imagination and critical spirit, as well as to interact with others.

Primary education

Α) The actions implemented are the following:

  • Introductory experiential training seminar, 11 hours, in which teachers will have a first contact with the concepts of prevention, the coordination of an experiential group and the educational material that will be applied to students.
  • Experiential support – supervision groups, in which teachers will have the opportunity to experience the simulation of the workshops of the educational material on the one hand and to receive guidance – support in the difficulties that arise during implementation on the other hand.
  • Ability to provide individual supervision to teachers in the support team who have specialised needs and require additional workshops and/or coaching.
  • Individual supervision of teachers implementing individual (outside the support group) health education programmes for pupils.
  • Production of educational printed and theoretical material provided to participants for more effective application to students.

B) Training seminar on the principles and practice of facilitating an experiential group, 30 hours, without the requirement of applying any material to the students.

C) Awareness-raising for primary school teachers (Teachers – Kindergarten teachers)
Experiential awareness-raising groups for teachers, 6-hour groups, on issues of prevention of addictions as well as on problems of managing school and social everyday life (e.g. addictions, violence and aggression, integration of isolated members, the teacher in the era of the pandemic, etc.)

D) Implementation of skill-building programmes
In order to respond to the needs that have arisen from the implementation of skill-building programmes, ELPIDA has adapted the following educational materials:



Thematic section

“If all the children of the earth”

Α’ & B’ Primary School

“I care and I act”, Subsection : “Respect and Diversity”.

“Mental health: Strengthening self-esteem”

All classes of the Primary School

“Living better – Well-being”, Subsection: Mental Health and Emotional Health – Prevention

“Meeting the Other”

All classes of the Primary School

“Living better – Well-being”, Subsection: Mental Health and Emotional Health – Prevention

“I feel safe in my school”

All classes of the Primary School

“I care and I act. Social awareness and responsibility”, Subsection: Human rights and inclusion

“Sexuality in adolescence: risks and protective factors”

Sixth Grade, High School & High School

“Living better – Well-being”, Subsection: Knowing my body – Sex Education

“Games and the Internet: Preventing the risks of use”

D’, E’ & 6th grades of primary school

“Living better – Well-being”, Sub-module : Mental Health and Emotional Health – Prevention of Addictions

Following the expression of interest, the following will be scheduled: a) the implementation of a two-day training seminar and b) supervision and support meetings in the implementation of the material on an individual or group level.

E) Implementation of short term mental health programmes for students while supporting the teachers involved.
These programmes are:

  • School violence (includes 3 teaching hours for students and 2 meetings for teachers)
  • Conflict management (includes 2 teaching hours for students and 2 meetings for teachers)
  • Sexuality in adolescence (includes for students 2 2-hour teaching hours, for teachers 2 meetings and for parents a 2-hour workshop).

Secondary Education

A) Training for the implementation of a programme for the prevention of addictions

  • The theoretical training will include a 2-day training seminar of 11 hours.  The seminar can be attended by 10-15 teachers. 
  • At the end of the seminar, the trainees will be invited to implement a health education programme for the prevention of addictions among the students of the classes .. The programme will consist of 10 two-hour sessions every 15 days.
  • In addition, there will be 10 two-hour supervision meetings of the trainees with the Centre’s staff, in order to evaluate the progress of the implementation of the programme. 
  • Possibility of online individual supervision for teachers who wish to implement an addiction prevention programme but cannot join a group for various reasons.

B) Training in experiential group facilitation
Training seminar on the principles and practice of facilitating an experiential group, 30 hours, without the requirement of applying any material to the students

C) Short experiential training
Experiential workshops, 3 two-hour online sessions, on topics related to the role of teachers in cultivating students’ skills that will lead to the strengthening of students’ mental health and better prevention of psychosocial difficulties.

D) Implementation of short-term mental health programmes for students with parallel support for participating teachers.
  These programmes are:

  • Sexuality in adolescence: risks and protective factors (Includes 2 2-hour teaching hours for students, 2 meetings for teachers and a 2-hour workshop for parents)
  • Conflict management (includes 2 teaching hours for students and 2 meetings for teachers)

Short-term interventions

They operate at the level of information and awareness of the school community and give the opportunity to get acquainted with the way ELPIDA works and the possibilities of long-term intervention in the school:
  • Short workshops
  • Film screenings
Indicative themes: Adolescence, Myths about substance use, Intra-school violence, Interpersonal relationships.