European – National Programmes
In the framework of the 3rd CSF and the OPERAEK II, Programmes for Strengthening Initiatives in Health Education 2006-7, ELPIDA in collaboration with the Office of Health Education of the Department of Secondary Education of Eastern Thessaloniki and Anatoliki SA designed and implemented the programme “Teenagers say no to violence”
Thus we are open to collaborations with the municipalities that participate in the Centre’s company or with bodies active in our area of responsibility.
Such programmes enable us to implement community-based actions, to provide prevention expertise to those who do not have it and to ensure the development of quality actions in line with the modern philosophy of prevention in our region. In addition, they bring us in contact with European institutions active in prevention, enriching our ideas around the theory and implementation and evaluation of programmes.
So far we have used programmes of the EPEAEK II, the MIP of Central Macedonia, METECHO and transnational programmes such as DAFNI, which enabled us to design educational materials, advertising spots, electronic game for young people, etc.