Interventions in professional groups
(health professionals, social scientists, students, etc.).
ELPIDA has specialized scientific staff with many years of experience in addictions, prevention and promotion of psychosocial health. Therefore, having identified, on the one hand, the gaps in the training of health professionals and social scientists on addictions and other psychosocial problems, and on the other hand, the key role that these professionals/scientists can play at community level in the prevention of addictions, the ELPIDA Prevention Centre considers that it is important to inform and raise awareness on the prevention of addiction, in order to empower them in their professional role; also, the training of scientific staff in prevention tools, and the training of the scientific staff in the prevention of addiction.
The target team are specific professional groups (Health Professionals, Social Scientists, etc.). These are the people who come into direct contact with members of the local community and have an important background knowledge of both their needs and their daily difficulties. Therefore, they often meet people with dependency problems and/or dual diagnosis and find it difficult to relate to them and be helpful, as they do not have sufficient knowledge and skills about the biopsychosocial phenomenon of dependency. In addition, professionals with knowledge of psychosocial issues who implement community interventions such as parenting groups, trainings, etc., and act as multipliers of prevention, need more specialized intervention tools. These professionals are often the key to changing attitudes and breaking down myths in the community about addiction and other psychosocial issues. Problems. Finally, future professionals (students of health, social sciences, etc.) are also included in this target group.

In the context of the above, the following are implemented:
- Short briefings/awareness-raising sessions (experiential meetings 2 – 3 hours) on the philosophy of addiction prevention and ELPIDA’s actions
- Training seminars on addiction and other psychosocial issues (violence, bullying, racism, etc.)
- Experiential seminars on specific educational materials
- Internship for students/students