Strong messages of life from the students of the third grade!

It is with great pleasure and pride that the Prevention Centre presents the works of the students of a section of the 3rd grade of the 8th High School of Kalamaria, which they created in the framework of our intervention for the prevention of addictions.

The students, with drawings full of colours and imagination, remind us how important it is to say NO to addictions and YES to a life full of joy, creativity and health!

Because prevention is key, especially in adolescence:

Adolescence is a period full of changes, quests and challenges. Trying to discover themselves and define their place in the world, adolescents are often more vulnerable to temptations and risks, such as substance abuse.

Therefore, prevention plays a key role in informing and raising awareness among adolescents so that they can make informed and responsible choices about their lives.

How does prevention help?

  • Update: Teenagers learn about the effects of addictions on their health, psychology and social life.
  • Skill development: learn to resist peer pressure, manage their emotions and solve problems in a constructive way.
  • Empowerment: their self-confidence and self-esteem is boosted so that they can realise their dreams.

Together we can build a future without dependencies!

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