Brief intervention at the American Farm School’s PTAI

Addiction is a pervasive issue that can affect anyone, regardless of age, background or socio-economic status. However, when it comes to adolescents, the vulnerability is even more pronounced. In this context, and in response to the invitation of the American Farm School’s P.E.L.A., we designed and implemented an intervention aimed at raising awareness – sensitizing 1st and 2nd grade high school students about addiction, its stages and underlying causative and protective factors. In the first meeting, the first grade students were introduced to the concept of addiction, a term that is often misunderstood or oversimplified. The session delved into the different stages of addiction, from initial experimentation to dependence, in an attempt to recognise early warning signs, not only in themselves but also in their peers. In the second session, the second grade students focused on the factors that contribute to addiction and those that provide a protective shield against it. Students were informed about the environmental, genetic and psychological aspects that can either increase or decrease the risk of developing addictive behaviours. The ultimate aim was to empower them to adopt a positive attitude to life and to develop skills to resist the use of addictive substances, but also other addictive behaviours (gambling, internet, etc.). We would like to thank the American Farm School for their hospitality as well as the School’s psychologist, Mr. Tassos Theodosios, for his excellent cooperation.

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